Monday, May 7, 2007

Sanity NOT Insanity

All over the news today are reports that there was a double suicide bombing in Iraq killing 25, this in the aftermath of a month that saw more than 100 die. I have to wonder WHY when 72% of Americans are against Shrub and his Administration of liers is this Bullshit of a war still going on? Now The White House wants to say they are expecting HEAVIER casualties as the military pushes into "tougher neighborhoods". Fuck That!!!! This Bastard needs to be stopped NOW!!!! With reports coming in more frequently of soldiers suffering from stress or stress related symptoms, we can not allow this Tyrant to CONTINUE sending our troops on repeated tours of duty! The fatalities overseas are high not just because of insurgents, but because our men and women overseas are BEING PUSHED AND FORCED TO CONTINUE ON EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE FATIGUED AND NOT PROPERLY EQUIPPED TO FIGHT THIS LIE OF A WAR!!! Shrub with his "my way or the highway attitude" is the reason why our troops are dying in rapid numbers. He doesn't care that they're tired or that his General is telling him this is going to take more than military action. Shrub cares only about what he wants and needs. I have NEVER witnessed so much INSANITY in my life. The sane thing to do for all involved would be to withdraw and allow the Iraqi's to take control of their country. There have been numerous reports stating that U.S. presence in Iraq is not wanted and is actually making the situation WORSE. Our men and women overseas have done what we have asked of them, now it is time for us to help them and that is by FIGHTING against the insanity that IS Shrub & Co. and bring them HOME!!!!


Undeniable Liberal said...

I cannot, for the life of me, imagine 15 fucking months in that shit. And then, they get called back within a year. It seems that in the Vietnam war, a second tour was voluntary.
My brother never had a chance to consider a second tour, not that he would have....

LET'S TALK said...

I just dont understand how we can allow this man to stay in office.

Let me know your opinion on VA Bonus Payments.

I'll check back at your site to see what you think.

Tom Harper said...

Some democracy, huh? 72% of the public wants something and our "leader" just keeps on doing what he wants to do with no consequences or accountability.

The Worst President Ever has got to go.

Who Hijacked Our Country

FunkyTown Fighter said...

Let's Talk I think it's DISGUSTING that these Bastards gave themselve's such hefty bonuses to "retain hard working employees". Fuck that! What about the hard working Vets? Basically what this administration and the VA is telling soldiers & Vets is that they're good enough to fight our wars but not good enough to take care of afterwards!

BTW Donnie I LOVE the Anti-Midas thing! LOL..................

FunkyTown Fighter said...

Do it Donnie, do it!!! I'll help!

LET'S TALK said...

Donnie McDaniel, I got that letter again last month... did yours include the paying of your credit report for the next 12 months?

I loved the line; "Instead of everything he touches turning to gold, it turns to ----!"

FunkyTown Fighter. I just had to hear what your opinion was on this matter... you can really express yourself the way I wish I could!

FunkyTown Fighter said...

Thank you let's talk! I just say the first thing that comes to my BIG mouth & my brain, which usually gets me in trouble! LOL.............
I just can't stand the BULLSHIT I see all around me!