Thursday, May 24, 2007
We the....... TERRORIST????
So here's what I know, Shrub is a LIAR & a MASS MURDERER, as well as a DICTATOR, yet as it turns out WE the people are actually the "terrorist"! The White House has issued a statement today saying that due to expected backlash and criticism over a proposed Immigration Bill, they are setting up a "Rapid Response Team" to ATTACK..........Uh I mean address the concerns of any and all BLOGGERS out there who may have an opinion on the matter! SILLY me and ALL this time I thought SHRUB & CO. were the TERRORIST and as it turns out WE ARE THE TERRORIST! I'm honored that they think we are such a "threat" but what I would really like to know is WTF are they sooo afraid of? Just to "keep it real" though this latest bit of ignorance from Shrub & Co. doesn't surprise me, to the contrary I'm surprised they didn't do it a long time ago. I mean seriously let's look at all the B.S. they have done up to now. They have STOLEN an election, LIED to keep wars going, MANIPULATED the justice system, LISTENED to private conversations by wire tapping, and NOW they are MANIPULATING communications!!! If people STILL have a doubt about Shrub being a DICTATOR they shouldn't I mean he's only making it oh so OBVIOUS!!!! I thought WE THE PEOPLE were entitled to FREEDOM OF SPEECH in this country but I guess were not anymore. Well let me restate that you are entitled to FREEDOM OF SPEECH but ONLY if you AGREE with Shrub & Co., Everyone else needs to shut the hell up I guess. Well I think you all KNOW what I say to that, don't you? FUCK YOU SHRUB & CO. Terroristic, hostage loving Mother Fuckers, that you ARE! How is it possible to hold well over 140,000 troops HOSTAGE overseas, along with an ENTIRE country, yet you are not Terrorist??????? I just wish they had shown this much interest in telling the TRUTH about WMD in Iraq, 9/11, and SAVING Katrina victims FUCK YOU SHRUB & CO.!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Well I guess these story telling Mother Fuckers we know as "Shrub & Co." aren't through fabricating stories! Today we get "news" that Iraq is at the center of the "fight against terror" never mind that Bin-Laden dwells somewhere in a cave in Afghanistan! During a commencement speech at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Trigger Happy actually had the stupidity to say "Here in America, we are living in the eye of a storm. All around us, dangerous winds are swirling and these winds could reach our shores at any moment." He's right about one thing, we are in the "eye of a storm" and that storm IS "HIM & HIS ADMINISTRATION"! They have single handedly put us in more danger than ever before! Not only have they put us in danger they have KILLED & ENDANGERED THE LIVES OF COUNTLESS SOLDIERS AND CIVILIANS IN IRAQ FOR WHAT? I'll tell you for what, FOR THEIR GREED, & GREED ONLY. That IS the TRUTH & not the FABRICATED bedtime story about the "boogie man" that this bunch of storytellers would like you to believe! The IDIOT went on to say, "Hear the words of Osama bin Laden: He calls the struggle in Iraq a `war of destiny' he proclaimed, `the war is for you or for us to win. If we win it, it means your defeat and disgrace forever.'' WTF? So what is he calling Bin-Laden on the phone now or WTF? For him to say Bin-Laden said that is ridiculous, what he wants to do is try and use "scare tactics" to try to convince the American people that we have a "real" reason for being in and staying in this ILLEGAL WAR. He's hoping that by now we have all forgotten that he assured us that there were WMD in Iraq, when the REALITY IS there were not! These story telling Mother Fuckers need to SHUT UP & leave the boogie man stories to Stephen King!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Fellow Informed Bloggers
A fellow informed blogger Let's Talk was recently tagged with the Thinking Bloggers Award. The rules to this award are once you have been tagged you list 5 other sites that make you think as well.
Here are my choices: This Progressive will let you know exactly WTF time it is! She's sooo damn smart, and informative it's unbelievable. This a group of informed thinkers who will keep you coming back for more. One of the funniest smart asses I have seen, but he always tells the truth. A mix of truth and humor it's great!
Check them out for yourselve's and enjoy!
Here are my choices: This Progressive will let you know exactly WTF time it is! She's sooo damn smart, and informative it's unbelievable. This a group of informed thinkers who will keep you coming back for more. One of the funniest smart asses I have seen, but he always tells the truth. A mix of truth and humor it's great!
Check them out for yourselve's and enjoy!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Moral Authority........MY ASS!!!
Ok you know what I really think I am going to completely lose it after the latest IGNORANT comment that I heard. Today we have Sen. Chuck Hagel saying "Gonzales no longer has any moral authority" EXCUSE ME, but WHEN the fuck did he EVER have it? Someone who has his head so far up Shrub's ass that it actually CONSTIPATES him could NEVER have had ANY "moral authority" to begin with! I'll give the man credit for calling for Dumbo's resignation but that's all I give him. For someone to think this Bastard EVER had any moral authority just tells me that they are actually DUMBER THAN THEY LOOK!! WHY does it take Dumbo visiting no excuse me PRESSURING an ailing attorney general for all those Repugs to get themselve's "worked up"? I wish they would get their fucking selve's that "worked up" over the SLAUGHTERING of our Troops, or the SHITTY hospitals THEY "provide" for our wounded soldiers after they have come back from HELL. Stupid me, how could I forget it's not about what WE the people want it's about a bunch of STUPID, FUCKING, SELF-RIGHTEOUS, REPUGS, now trying to make themselve's "look good" in the aftermath of the attorney firings. I want to know again WHY were they not concerned about this in 2004? WHY are they only now getting sooo concerned? Hmmm could it be because SOMEONE is seeking a presidential nomination? These lying sacs of shit DO NOT fool me, EVERYTIME they go against one of their own it's ALWAY'S because they're looking for THEIR OWN GAIN!! They NEVER do anything in the interest of the public because they have NO interest EXCEPT, their own. Now for those that STILL don't believe all you have to do is look at yesterday's events, a self righteous, people hating, bigot dies, and ALL these Repugs come out to give their "sympathy & thoughts" on the matter. WHY don't they come out like that to offer their "sympathy & thoughts" EVERYTIME ANOTHER soldier DIES? Oh that's right, because like I told you earlier THEY DON'T CARE, if it doesn't help them gain politically then it isn't important! Silly ME how could I forget?
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I think today I will start with this, FUCK HYPOCRITS!!!! Everywhere you look lately all you see is Hypocrisy, and I for one am damn tired of it. It's bad enough I have to work around a bunch of Shrub loving, hypocritical, Mother Fuckers, but then I turn on the T.V. for what, so I can see the Att. General Dumbo Gonzo say that the 8 firings were mainly Mc Nutty's fault because "he would know more than anyone else, anyone in this room, anyone — again, the deputy attorney general would know best about the qualifications and the experiences of the United States attorneys community, and he signed off on the names." Ok ASSHOLE even if he signed off on the names, YOU ARE the Attorney General!!! This hypocrisy and blame game that the Repugnants like to play needs to stop & NOW!!!! I am sick of their asses getting on public television to cry about how "unfair" they are being treated and how their being "pressured" WHO CARES???? What about the pressuring they did to GET THE ATTORNEYS'S FIRED, GET US IN THIS ILLEGAL WAR, AND THE PRESSURE THEY ARE PUTTING ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO PAY FOR THIS WAR 74% OF US WANT OUT OF! Hypocritical Mother Fuckers, when it's convenient for them it's amazing how "smart" they are yet when the shit hits the fan they "all of a sudden" develop AMNESIA. "I don't recall, I'm not sure, I don't know what happened to 5,000 e-mails, I never said mission accomplished" WHAT THE FUCK EVER!!!!! I cannot wait for these selective memory having BITCHES to get what's coming to them. Now we have 3 soldiers kidnapped by Al-Qaida and where in the fuck is the Commander in Lies? No where to be found but don't worry the U.S. will do everything in their power to find them and won't give up! Yeah right! My uncle went missing in Korea and guess what to THIS day we STILL have NO ANSWERS, he was 20 years old! They gave my Grandma a check and a flag and said I'm sorry, well GUESS WHAT? SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH! Hypocritical bastards if they REALLY want to help the American people they will recognize their STUPIDITY and get our troops out of the TRAP they are in! Now watch this, Prune Faced, Hypocritical Bastard, Shrub has been keeping a very low profile while this tragedy with the kidnapped soldiers has been unfolding, but WATCH him come out TODAY to offer "sympathy" for the death of Jerry Falwell. Like I said before WHAT THE FUCK EVER!!!!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Veto this Mother Fucker!!
I am soooo PISSED off I don't know where to start. I think I'll start with this, FUCK YOU SHRUB!! After weeks of Shrub vetoing or threatening to veto, I have FINALLY had it! WHO IN THE HELL DOES THIS POMPOUS ASS THINK HE IS? He may think he's a "pro-life" person, but that's not true. I'll tell you who George Bush REALLY is! He is a DICTATOR, TYRANT, COMMIE, SELF-RIGHTEOUS, COWARD, BIGOT, POMPOUS ASS, who has made it HIS mission to DESTROY AMERICA AND WHAT WE STAND FOR! For those that don't, can't, or won't believe, here are the facts, this country was founded by Immigrants yet Shrub & his party have been the BIGGEST ANTI-IMMIGRANT group I have ever seen. Two, this country was founded on the belief that "all men were created EQUAL", AGAIN not true if your name is Shrub. The expansion of the Hate Crime Bill hasn't even reached his desk yet and he's already threatening to VETO it! This next one REALLY PISSES ME OFF, he is threatening to VETO any abortion bills that "use tax payer dollars to be used for the destruction of Human Life". Are you fucking kidding me?He "won't allow tax payer dollars to be used for the destruction of Human Life" BUT it's OK for the DESTRUCTION OF OUR SOLDIERS LIVES & THE IRAQI PEOPLE'S LIVES! In typical DICTATOR fashion he VETOED a bill just last week that would have saved THOUSANDS of lives by setting a time line to bring the Troops home. So you see AGAIN we have this BASTARD screaming "pro-life" yet he veto's ANY & ALL BILLS THAT WOULD REQUIRE A TROOP WITHDRAWAL. I guess SAVING THE TROOPS LIVES ISN'T "PRO-LIFE" enough for him! I would LOVE to ask that COMMIE TYRANT this, "if your sooo pro-life why are you getting ready to deploy ANOTHER 35,000 troops to a SURE DEATH IN IRAQ?" I don't need to ask him though I already know the answer. His answer would be "can someone please remove this woman from my presence, she DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME." You see DICTATORS don't care what the people think as long as they get their way. This has been EXTREMELY OBVIOUS lately as he has vetoed any and all bills that REFUSE to give him what HE wants. He refuses to compromise & veto's like a MAD MAN but we the voice of REASON are to blame because we "just have BAD management" as Phony Tony Snow recently stated. Well you know what I say to that? FUCK YOU SHRUB, PHONY TONY, LITTLE DICK, AND THE REST OF THE REPUGNANTS! Now VETO THAT MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Supporting the Troops!
From the LA Times
Calif veterans, some still on active duty, speak out against U.S. presence in Iraq:
Off duty in Baghdad, Army Sgt. Ronn Cantu operates an antiwar website.
When not repairing Black Hawk helicopters for the California National Guard, Jabbar Magruder conducts counterrecruiting sessions with would-be enlistees.
Fresh from TWO tours EACH in Iraq, decorated former Marines Sean O'Neill and Mike Ergo give antiwar speeches at Northern California high schools.
Although their numbers are still small compared with the draft-fueled Vietnam veterans' movement four decades ago, California's Iraq veterans are gaining a voice in opposition to America's continued military presence in Iraq. Recent antiwar demonstrations in Los Angeles, San Francisco and other cities have seen the first sizable contingents of veterans from the conflict.
The protesters even include some soldiers — like Cantu, of Los Angeles — who are still on active duty. "I've taken a public antiwar stance," Cantu, 29, recently e-mailed from Baghdad, where he serves in intelligence with the 1st Cavalry Division, "but I didn't shirk my responsibilities."
O'Neill, a 24-year-old Marine veteran from Fremont, said he likes to take the antiwar message to conservative areas of the state "to add legitimacy and to show that it is not just crazed leftists who are against the war."
Sgt. Jabbar Magruder, 24, served in Iraq in 2005 and is still a member of the California National Guard while he attends Cal State Northridge as a pre-med major.
In his civilian mode, he serves as secretary of the Los Angeles chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War, attends antiwar demonstrations and meets with students on college campuses. He recently traveled to Hawaii to speak to potential military recruits about the Iraq war and was one of nearly 1,000 regular military, National Guard and Reserve members who signed an Appeal for Redress that was delivered to Congress in January.
The three-sentence appeal reads: "As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases in Iraq. Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home."
Now that's what I call "supporting the Troops"!!!!! I happened to run across this by accident but I am sure GLAD I did! I found a website founded by a soldier who is IN IRAQ but OPPOSED to the war, on his website he welcomes pro-war, and anti-war people alike. I LOVE this for more than one reason, but my main reason for LOVING this is because it comes from a soldier WHO is there not a DAMN COMMIE, TYRANT, who will NEVER go there! I plan on leaving a comment on his site later to COMMEND him for taking a VOCAL stance against this LIE Shrub wants us to keep fighting. In the meantime here are some excerpts from some of the people commenting on his site:
From a soldier discussing Paul Rieckhoff's Book Chasing Ghosts and a radio interview with Al-Rantel and IVAW Member Jabbar MacGruder.
Yeah, I read Chasing Ghosts. In one of the threads, I talked about a custom t-shirt I had made that said "Please don't court martial me, I'm against the war in Iraq, not the US Army."
I walked up and down the mall in Killeen, Texas and one woman looked like she was gonna explode. haha
Hey, if she hates it so much, she can take MY place. What got me about that interview was the condescending tone Rantel had after he said goodbye to Jabbar. He said something along the lines of "He obviously hopes he doesn't have to go back."
That's easy to say considering he's in NO danger of going at all.
Here's one from Gordon Sturrock U.S. Army Vet.
Lincoln County Democrats invited our VeteransForPeace Squadron13 bus to march with them in the "Loyalty Days" parade which took place on Saturday May 5th, 2007. The parade organizers were informed ahead of time that a bus would be included in their entry and permission was granted. When we showed up 2 hours prior to the parade start to get our registration number we were met with confusion and bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. Initially a Lincoln County Sheriff showed up and told us that we could not take part in the parade. Unable to counter our insistence that our bus was registered he called for the parade organizer, Patty Louisiana, who would make the final determination. Patty showed up and did her best to explain why we could not be in the parade. On camera she said our message of peace "doesn't support the spirit of our community".
Pro-military, pro-war entries in this parade were abundant. Pro-peace messages were completely absent, so it seems clear that beautiful Newport Oregon is a supporter of the ILLEGAL WAR, the deaths of thousands of young soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens whose only crime was to be living in a country with a wealth of oil.
If anyone wants to check his site out here it is:
Calif veterans, some still on active duty, speak out against U.S. presence in Iraq:
Off duty in Baghdad, Army Sgt. Ronn Cantu operates an antiwar website.
When not repairing Black Hawk helicopters for the California National Guard, Jabbar Magruder conducts counterrecruiting sessions with would-be enlistees.
Fresh from TWO tours EACH in Iraq, decorated former Marines Sean O'Neill and Mike Ergo give antiwar speeches at Northern California high schools.
Although their numbers are still small compared with the draft-fueled Vietnam veterans' movement four decades ago, California's Iraq veterans are gaining a voice in opposition to America's continued military presence in Iraq. Recent antiwar demonstrations in Los Angeles, San Francisco and other cities have seen the first sizable contingents of veterans from the conflict.
The protesters even include some soldiers — like Cantu, of Los Angeles — who are still on active duty. "I've taken a public antiwar stance," Cantu, 29, recently e-mailed from Baghdad, where he serves in intelligence with the 1st Cavalry Division, "but I didn't shirk my responsibilities."
O'Neill, a 24-year-old Marine veteran from Fremont, said he likes to take the antiwar message to conservative areas of the state "to add legitimacy and to show that it is not just crazed leftists who are against the war."
Sgt. Jabbar Magruder, 24, served in Iraq in 2005 and is still a member of the California National Guard while he attends Cal State Northridge as a pre-med major.
In his civilian mode, he serves as secretary of the Los Angeles chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War, attends antiwar demonstrations and meets with students on college campuses. He recently traveled to Hawaii to speak to potential military recruits about the Iraq war and was one of nearly 1,000 regular military, National Guard and Reserve members who signed an Appeal for Redress that was delivered to Congress in January.
The three-sentence appeal reads: "As a patriotic American proud to serve the nation in uniform, I respectfully urge my political leaders in Congress to support the prompt withdrawal of all American military forces and bases in Iraq. Staying in Iraq will not work and is not worth the price. It is time for U.S. troops to come home."
Now that's what I call "supporting the Troops"!!!!! I happened to run across this by accident but I am sure GLAD I did! I found a website founded by a soldier who is IN IRAQ but OPPOSED to the war, on his website he welcomes pro-war, and anti-war people alike. I LOVE this for more than one reason, but my main reason for LOVING this is because it comes from a soldier WHO is there not a DAMN COMMIE, TYRANT, who will NEVER go there! I plan on leaving a comment on his site later to COMMEND him for taking a VOCAL stance against this LIE Shrub wants us to keep fighting. In the meantime here are some excerpts from some of the people commenting on his site:
From a soldier discussing Paul Rieckhoff's Book Chasing Ghosts and a radio interview with Al-Rantel and IVAW Member Jabbar MacGruder.
Yeah, I read Chasing Ghosts. In one of the threads, I talked about a custom t-shirt I had made that said "Please don't court martial me, I'm against the war in Iraq, not the US Army."
I walked up and down the mall in Killeen, Texas and one woman looked like she was gonna explode. haha
Hey, if she hates it so much, she can take MY place. What got me about that interview was the condescending tone Rantel had after he said goodbye to Jabbar. He said something along the lines of "He obviously hopes he doesn't have to go back."
That's easy to say considering he's in NO danger of going at all.
Here's one from Gordon Sturrock U.S. Army Vet.
Lincoln County Democrats invited our VeteransForPeace Squadron13 bus to march with them in the "Loyalty Days" parade which took place on Saturday May 5th, 2007. The parade organizers were informed ahead of time that a bus would be included in their entry and permission was granted. When we showed up 2 hours prior to the parade start to get our registration number we were met with confusion and bureaucratic mumbo jumbo. Initially a Lincoln County Sheriff showed up and told us that we could not take part in the parade. Unable to counter our insistence that our bus was registered he called for the parade organizer, Patty Louisiana, who would make the final determination. Patty showed up and did her best to explain why we could not be in the parade. On camera she said our message of peace "doesn't support the spirit of our community".
Pro-military, pro-war entries in this parade were abundant. Pro-peace messages were completely absent, so it seems clear that beautiful Newport Oregon is a supporter of the ILLEGAL WAR, the deaths of thousands of young soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens whose only crime was to be living in a country with a wealth of oil.
If anyone wants to check his site out here it is:
Monday, May 7, 2007
Sanity NOT Insanity
All over the news today are reports that there was a double suicide bombing in Iraq killing 25, this in the aftermath of a month that saw more than 100 die. I have to wonder WHY when 72% of Americans are against Shrub and his Administration of liers is this Bullshit of a war still going on? Now The White House wants to say they are expecting HEAVIER casualties as the military pushes into "tougher neighborhoods". Fuck That!!!! This Bastard needs to be stopped NOW!!!! With reports coming in more frequently of soldiers suffering from stress or stress related symptoms, we can not allow this Tyrant to CONTINUE sending our troops on repeated tours of duty! The fatalities overseas are high not just because of insurgents, but because our men and women overseas are BEING PUSHED AND FORCED TO CONTINUE ON EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE FATIGUED AND NOT PROPERLY EQUIPPED TO FIGHT THIS LIE OF A WAR!!! Shrub with his "my way or the highway attitude" is the reason why our troops are dying in rapid numbers. He doesn't care that they're tired or that his General is telling him this is going to take more than military action. Shrub cares only about what he wants and needs. I have NEVER witnessed so much INSANITY in my life. The sane thing to do for all involved would be to withdraw and allow the Iraqi's to take control of their country. There have been numerous reports stating that U.S. presence in Iraq is not wanted and is actually making the situation WORSE. Our men and women overseas have done what we have asked of them, now it is time for us to help them and that is by FIGHTING against the insanity that IS Shrub & Co. and bring them HOME!!!!
Friday, May 4, 2007
It's about time!!!!
I know many people disagree with Senator Clinton or may Dislike Hillary for originally voting in favor of the war but I've got to give her a round of applause for her latest move! This War happy Bastard we know as Shrub needs to be stopped "By ANY means Necessary"! Whether this is going to work I don't know, but anything that attempts to stop this Self Righteous Dictator is MORE THAN WELCOME BY ME! Check this article out:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton announced Thursday that she's joining forces with one of the Senate's most skilled parliamentary infighters to try to rescind President Bush's authority to wage war.
Clinton, a New York Democrat seeking her party's presidential nomination, and Sen. Robert Byrd, a West Virginia Democrat who is the Senate's longest-serving member, said they will seek a vote to rescind the authority Congress granted Bush to use force in Iraq in October 2002. If approved, the measure would require congressional reauthorization for troops to remain in Iraq, Clinton said.
"We're going to force a debate on the whole war," she told reporters outside the Senate chamber. "We want to force the Congress to look at whether the president's authority, which comes from Congress, should be rescinded."
The Bush administration accused Clinton of playing presidential politics.
"Here we go again. The Senate is trying another way to put a surrender date on the calendar," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. "Welcome to politics, '08 style.
Clinton's challenge to Bush came as party leaders tried to negotiate a deal with the White House over a funding bill for military operations In Iraq and demonstrated how presidential politics may affect the pace of the congressional debate over the war. Bush vetoed the $124.2 billion bill Tuesday because it contained a timeline for withdrawing troops from Iraq. The House fell 62 votes short of overriding the veto Wednesday.
In joining forces with Byrd, Clinton is allying herself with an 89-year-old hero of her party's anti-war movement. Byrd was one of 23 senators who voted against the resolution giving Bush authority to go to war in Iraq — a resolution Clinton supported.
On Thursday, Clinton made a point of noting that she supported a resolution Byrd offered to the war-authorization resolution that would have required the president to return to Congress every year for renewal of his war powers.
One of her Democratic rivals who has been most critical of Clinton's Iraq vote, former North Carolina senator John Edwards, voted against Byrd's effort to limit Bush' authority.
Clinton's vote on the Iraq war and her refusal to apologize for it — she says she based her decision on information she considered reliable at the time — has become a point of debate on the campaign trail.
As for the emergency-funding bill for the troops in Iraq, Clinton said it "has to move forward in whatever form we get agreement on." She added, "Sen. Byrd and I wanted to send a very clear signal that the supplemental (bill) is not the end of it."
A funding bill must be passed before next month or the Army will begin running out of money for its operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the non-partisan Congressional Research Service.
White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten and budget director Rob Portman met with congressional leaders Thursday to discuss a possible compromise.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he intends to enact funding legislation by the end of the month. He called his initial meeting with Bolten "constructive," but would not elaborate on details of a possible compromise.
Asked whether the presidential rivalries will make it harder to maintain party unity on the Iraq issue in the Senate, Reid said: "They've caused me no concern. Presidential politics is one thing. They can kick and scream and bite and scratch out there politically but they haven't done that in the caucus."
It's not Impeachment but this reolution might be the next best thing. Let's hope for the best!
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton announced Thursday that she's joining forces with one of the Senate's most skilled parliamentary infighters to try to rescind President Bush's authority to wage war.
Clinton, a New York Democrat seeking her party's presidential nomination, and Sen. Robert Byrd, a West Virginia Democrat who is the Senate's longest-serving member, said they will seek a vote to rescind the authority Congress granted Bush to use force in Iraq in October 2002. If approved, the measure would require congressional reauthorization for troops to remain in Iraq, Clinton said.
"We're going to force a debate on the whole war," she told reporters outside the Senate chamber. "We want to force the Congress to look at whether the president's authority, which comes from Congress, should be rescinded."
The Bush administration accused Clinton of playing presidential politics.
"Here we go again. The Senate is trying another way to put a surrender date on the calendar," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. "Welcome to politics, '08 style.
Clinton's challenge to Bush came as party leaders tried to negotiate a deal with the White House over a funding bill for military operations In Iraq and demonstrated how presidential politics may affect the pace of the congressional debate over the war. Bush vetoed the $124.2 billion bill Tuesday because it contained a timeline for withdrawing troops from Iraq. The House fell 62 votes short of overriding the veto Wednesday.
In joining forces with Byrd, Clinton is allying herself with an 89-year-old hero of her party's anti-war movement. Byrd was one of 23 senators who voted against the resolution giving Bush authority to go to war in Iraq — a resolution Clinton supported.
On Thursday, Clinton made a point of noting that she supported a resolution Byrd offered to the war-authorization resolution that would have required the president to return to Congress every year for renewal of his war powers.
One of her Democratic rivals who has been most critical of Clinton's Iraq vote, former North Carolina senator John Edwards, voted against Byrd's effort to limit Bush' authority.
Clinton's vote on the Iraq war and her refusal to apologize for it — she says she based her decision on information she considered reliable at the time — has become a point of debate on the campaign trail.
As for the emergency-funding bill for the troops in Iraq, Clinton said it "has to move forward in whatever form we get agreement on." She added, "Sen. Byrd and I wanted to send a very clear signal that the supplemental (bill) is not the end of it."
A funding bill must be passed before next month or the Army will begin running out of money for its operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the non-partisan Congressional Research Service.
White House chief of staff Joshua Bolten and budget director Rob Portman met with congressional leaders Thursday to discuss a possible compromise.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he intends to enact funding legislation by the end of the month. He called his initial meeting with Bolten "constructive," but would not elaborate on details of a possible compromise.
Asked whether the presidential rivalries will make it harder to maintain party unity on the Iraq issue in the Senate, Reid said: "They've caused me no concern. Presidential politics is one thing. They can kick and scream and bite and scratch out there politically but they haven't done that in the caucus."
It's not Impeachment but this reolution might be the next best thing. Let's hope for the best!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Violence and Politics
I'm going to take a minute or two to let off some steam about an issue I hold very near and dear to my heart, IMMIGRATION! Everytime I turn on the news lately someone has something to say about Immigrants LEGAL & OTHERWISE! So now I'm going to say something too, I AM SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF HEARING ALL THIS BULLSHIT ABOUT HOW IMMIGRANTS ARE TAKING AMERICAN JOBS, AND HOW THEY DON'T WANT TO LEARN ENGLISH! As the DAUGHTER of a Immigrant from Mexico I can tell you my father may have entered this country ILLEGALY but he learned english dammit, and not just how to speak it but how to read it, and write it as well. My father married my mother and became a LEGAL U.S. Resident eventually becoming a US Citizen. WHY am I telling you this? For one reason and one reason only, so people will start trying REALLY trying to understand WHY these Immigrants come here to begin with! My Dad was literally starving in Mexico, he came here NOT to "take" someone's job, but to PERFORM a job that NO ONE WANTED he became a dishwasher. Like many other Immigrants who come to this country my Dad took a low paying job that other people simply did not want! Now I'm not saying people should come into this country Illegaly, but they DAMN SURE SHOULDN'T BE BLAMED FOR PERFORMING JOBS THAT LEGAL AMERICANS DO NOT WANT TO PERFORM!!! I have worked in staffing for many years and I can tell you first hand SOME people don't have a job because they simply DON'T WANT ONE! I have offered people jobs that pay $8 or $9 an hour and have been told "that's not enough money, I WON'T work for that" if a person doesn't want to work for a certain pay that's fine, but then DO NOT turn around and say someone is "taking YOUR job" because the FACT IS many people are FUCKING THEMSELVES! I have a better idea, instead of blaming these Immigrants and bashing them for looking for a better way of life, WHY don't Politicians (specifically Repugs. since they seem to be the one's with the biggest problem here) get upset and point the finger not only at themselve's for not wanting to raise the minimum wage, but at the LARGE corporations as well that hire these Immigrants! If they would be willing to raise the minimum wage MORE Americans would be willing to take the low paying jobs. The fact is they're only interested in giving themselve's raises. It's funny how they get on camera and CRY about how much they're "costing us" and how they "don't want them here" yet OFF camera these are the SAME BASTARDS HIRING THEM TO BUILD BORDER FENCES,PAVE THEIR CITY STREETS,CLEAN THEIR HOUSES, OR WATCH THEIR SPOILED BRATS. Now you want to talk about cost? Ok let's talk about the MILLIONS OF DOLLARS they leave here in unclaimed taxes! Hmmm wonder WHERE that money goes??? This "LIE OF A WAR" Shrub has us in, costs us Billions each ear yet they have NO PROBLEM with that cost, to the contrary Shrub & the Repugs keep sticking their hand out asking for more! Now check this bullshit out:
Los Angeles, California
Three investigations have been launched into police officers' tactics in dispersing a crowd at an immigration rally, where police fired rubber bullets into crowds.
Police Chief William J. Bratton said Wednesday the public has "an absolute and unqualified right to EXPECT and DEMAND an aggressive review" of the events at MacArthur Park late Tuesday, when officers fired 240 "nonlethal" rounds to clear demonstrators.
"The events of (Tuesday), with all (the training) that we do, SHOULD NOT HAVE OCCURED," Bratton said at a tense news conference.
News images showed POLICE STRIKING a television cameraman to the ground, SHOVING people who were WALKING AWAY FROM OFFICERS and injuries from the rubber bullets. (Watch police in riot gear fire into the crowd )
Rally organizers denounced the police action as BRUTAL.
"They were PUSHING CHILDREN, ELDERLY, MOTHERS WITH THEIR BABIES and BEATING UP on the MEDIA" said Angela Sanbrano, an organizer.
The clashes started around 6 p.m. Tuesday, when police tried to disperse demonstrators who moved into a street, according to rally organizers and reporters. Authorities said several people threw rocks and bottles at officers, who used batons to push the crowd back to the sidewalk and then cleared the park.
A police order to disperse was in English and from a police helicopter, a likely ineffective tactic because of the noise and because many at the protest were Spanish-speakers, Bratton said.
John Mack, president of the five-member Police Commission, said he was "deeply disturbed and very disappointed" by the news images.
"This was not a pretty picture. This incident raises serious concern regarding the use of force by some individual officers," said Mack, who is one of Bratton's bosses.
Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, who represents the park district, also asked Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley to launch an independent investigation into the officers' actions.
He said POLICE DELIBERATELY led troublemakers back to the peaceful marchers before beginning their assault.
"The only logical conclusion I can come to is that somebody wanted it to bleed into the march so that they can do some target practice on some of the immigrants that were marching," Nunez said.
News organizations also condemned the Police Department for its use of batons and riot guns against members of the media.
"We are sorry for what happened to our employees and find it unacceptable that they would be abused in that way when they were doing their job," said Alfredo Richard, spokesman for the Spanish-language network Telemundo, whose anchor and reporter were hurt.
Bratton promised to investigate the treatment of reporters.
"We should never be engaged in attacking anyone in the media," Bratton said.
I attendended the marches here in Fort Worth, Tx last year, and I can tell you first hand NOBODY was disrespectful. I find it HIGHLY unlikely that someone was acting "out of hand". It's more likely that California's IMMIGRANT Governor and his BULLY police Dept. were taking a cue from THEIR Commander in LIES and using FORCE to REMOVE ANYONE WHO DOESN'T AGREE WITH THEM! Funny how one Immigrant wants to tell another to go home huh?
Los Angeles, California
Three investigations have been launched into police officers' tactics in dispersing a crowd at an immigration rally, where police fired rubber bullets into crowds.
Police Chief William J. Bratton said Wednesday the public has "an absolute and unqualified right to EXPECT and DEMAND an aggressive review" of the events at MacArthur Park late Tuesday, when officers fired 240 "nonlethal" rounds to clear demonstrators.
"The events of (Tuesday), with all (the training) that we do, SHOULD NOT HAVE OCCURED," Bratton said at a tense news conference.
News images showed POLICE STRIKING a television cameraman to the ground, SHOVING people who were WALKING AWAY FROM OFFICERS and injuries from the rubber bullets. (Watch police in riot gear fire into the crowd )
Rally organizers denounced the police action as BRUTAL.
"They were PUSHING CHILDREN, ELDERLY, MOTHERS WITH THEIR BABIES and BEATING UP on the MEDIA" said Angela Sanbrano, an organizer.
The clashes started around 6 p.m. Tuesday, when police tried to disperse demonstrators who moved into a street, according to rally organizers and reporters. Authorities said several people threw rocks and bottles at officers, who used batons to push the crowd back to the sidewalk and then cleared the park.
A police order to disperse was in English and from a police helicopter, a likely ineffective tactic because of the noise and because many at the protest were Spanish-speakers, Bratton said.
John Mack, president of the five-member Police Commission, said he was "deeply disturbed and very disappointed" by the news images.
"This was not a pretty picture. This incident raises serious concern regarding the use of force by some individual officers," said Mack, who is one of Bratton's bosses.
Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, who represents the park district, also asked Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley to launch an independent investigation into the officers' actions.
He said POLICE DELIBERATELY led troublemakers back to the peaceful marchers before beginning their assault.
"The only logical conclusion I can come to is that somebody wanted it to bleed into the march so that they can do some target practice on some of the immigrants that were marching," Nunez said.
News organizations also condemned the Police Department for its use of batons and riot guns against members of the media.
"We are sorry for what happened to our employees and find it unacceptable that they would be abused in that way when they were doing their job," said Alfredo Richard, spokesman for the Spanish-language network Telemundo, whose anchor and reporter were hurt.
Bratton promised to investigate the treatment of reporters.
"We should never be engaged in attacking anyone in the media," Bratton said.
I attendended the marches here in Fort Worth, Tx last year, and I can tell you first hand NOBODY was disrespectful. I find it HIGHLY unlikely that someone was acting "out of hand". It's more likely that California's IMMIGRANT Governor and his BULLY police Dept. were taking a cue from THEIR Commander in LIES and using FORCE to REMOVE ANYONE WHO DOESN'T AGREE WITH THEM! Funny how one Immigrant wants to tell another to go home huh?
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