Saturday, April 7, 2007

Taking a stand

Well people it's the weekend and I'm glad for that. I am also glad about a couple of other things too! For starters it's nice to see Gonzo, and his fellow fools coming undone. With Monica Goodling resigning she is now the 3rd person to abruptly quit amid the controversy surrounding the firings of Federal Prosecutors. My question is where is everybody going? The fun and games are just about to begin! Enough about that though, I am also thrilled and want to give KUDOS to 2 students at Columbia University for not backing down in the face of injustice. Monique Dols and Karina Garcia disrupted an assembly at the school back in Oct. 2006 where Jim Gilchrist founder of the "Minute Men" was going to speak. They protested sooo loudly he was "forced" to get off the stage! He was seen on the Fox Noise Channel last night apparently crying about how he felt his life was in danger that night. His life was in "danger" BITCH PLEASE! What he got was a taste of his OWN medicine and he didn't like it! Too bad ASSHOLE, now you know what hundreds of immigrants feel EVERY TIME they try to cross the border and your goons come after them! I'm not saying they shouldn't come here legally, but they damn sure shouldn't be run down and hunted they way these COWARDS do it. So he felt his life was in danger, GOOD you reap what you sow DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!


Ziem said...

This ass is an embarrassment to the plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty. SOB seems to forget that we are ALL immigrants.

I always thought that it was our differences and different cultures that made this a great country. Where else can I go get a great Mexican meal for lunch, cross the street and have Italian for dinner? Where else can I go to a St. Particks Day parade then, a Cinco de Mayo party right on the court house square? Where else can I learn about and respect other cultures - all in the same city? Certainly not the White House and certainly NOT in the hearts of the cronies "it" associates itself with. Bastards that they are!

Ziem said...

ps: Happy Easter!

Ziem said...

*blushes* why thank you my friend.
It actually shocks the hell out of me that not everyone sees that. I hate NIMBY's! can you tell? lol