Thursday, April 5, 2007

Ignorance is Bliss-I GUESS

Due to overwhelming demand I am here and ready to fight!!! Just kidding! Seriously though, I am here and ready for anybody that's up for some good conversation on Politics and life in general as well as the occasional good debate, which for people that know me they know that is VERY likely to happen! So here goes let the games begin.
Let's start with one of the MANY stupid things to come out of Repugnants mouths these day's. Today we get news that Roger Aisles compares Barack Obama to Osama Bin-Laden, then we get news that Fattie Hattie A*K*A Newt Gingrich is offering an I'm kinda' sorry but really NOT sorry to Latinos for his remarks about the Spanish language and comparing it to the "ghetto", Last but definately not least we have Shrub pulling ANOTHER fast one. This time he decided that since he "Can't get no satisfaction" with his funding he would go ahead and put Sam Fox in as Ambassador even though HE HIMSELF withdrew Fox's nomination just last week after realizing he didn't have enough votes to obtain Senate confirmation in the Foreign Relations Committe! This is just one of the many displays of IGNORANCE and Arrogance, that Repugnants have shown in the last few day's. Now in the words of MANY smart people I know, ITMFA!!!!!!!!


Ziem said...

Nice! Hipboots for the sane and rational, the right has donned their swimming trunks and are just having a great time - wallowing in bullshit!

Nice blog! Good luck!

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

FINALLY! You are BLOGGING! Keep it real muñeca!


Ziem said...

"...just hope they drown in it!"

need anyone willing to step on any heads for this cause..?? You know I'm game! lol

FunkyTown Fighter said...

Thanks everyone for checking my blog out! I hope you all enjoy it.

P.S. Ziem I knew you wouldn't let me down!! LOL..........

Grinds My Gears!!! said...

Well because he's not going to get the funding he wants from the house. Let's see if he'll fund his cause with the cash he's getting from the stock he and his family has from the oil co. and hell-a-burnin. If he really feels that strong about it let him spend his money instead of ours.