Monday, April 30, 2007

Secretary Of Lies Speaks out!

So here's the latest bunch of Bullshit, to come out of Shrubs Sec. of Lies Condaskeeza "To begin now to tie our own hands — and to say 'We must do this if they don't do that' — doesn't allow us the flexibility and creativity that we need to move this forward." This being said after Mrs. Alfred E. Newman was asked about Shrub opposing Iraq Benchmarks.

EXCUSE ME, but the only fools giving a my way, or the highway attitude is Shrub & Co. They have fought REALITY every step of the way. April was the worst month for US casualties this year, yet they continue to insist on sending more troops to Iraq and continue to talk about "the progress" being made over there. Why this bunch of Jackasses refuse to face reality is beyond me.

Here is a taste of reality:

* The killings of Americans comes as U.S. troops have been increasingly deployed
on the streets of Baghdad and housed with Iraqi troops in joint security stations
away from their heavily fortified bases, raising their vulnerability to attacks.

* The Islamic State in Iraq, an umbrella group that includes al-Qaida, posted an
Internet message saying militants were developing long-term plans and tactics for
a "long-term war of attrition" against the Americans.

* The U.S. weekend deaths raised to at least 104 the number of American troops
killed in Iraq so far in April, making it the deadliest month since December,
when 112 died. At least 3,351 personnel have died since the war started,
according to the AP count.

* A suicide bomber wearing a vest packed with explosives killed 32 people when he
blew himself up among mourners at a Shi'ite funeral north of Baghdad on Monday,
Iraqi police said.

SHRUBS refusal to face reality, admit that he was wrong, and accept that the only way the Iraqi Gov. is going to start meeting their benchmarks is if we begin to withdraw our troops, is what is holding up our troops funding and ability to come home! Sen. Russ Feingold said it best when he said:

"American troops are dying for no good reason at this point, they are in a
situation where they are being sacrificed because people want political
comfort in Washington. The surge isn't working. The situation in Iraq isn't

As soon as Shrub begins to realize the above said, we will see REAL "progress", not this BULLSHIT & LIES that we have seen up to now!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Katrina.....The fight goes on!

I know there are alot of people out there who dislike American Idol, but let me tell you watching it last night, I have to APPLAUD them for doing what this BASTARD we know as Shrub & his Administration REFUSE to do! They raised money last night for the poor not just abroad but HERE IN AMERICA as well. They showed how the poor in Africa are dying of AIDS, Malaria, and overall horrendous living conditions. A.I. also showed Louisiana and how the aftermath of Katrina STILL has not been dealt with. It is DISGUSTING & RIDICULOUS, that 2 years later these people STILL have no homes and are forced to live in deplorable conditions for no reason other than that Shrub is "too busy" worrying about his war and how much money he needs for it, than to care about how THEY ARE LIVING! This BASTARD needs to be tried for LIES, ABUSE OF AUTHORITY, WAR CRIMES, & MASS MURDER! What Trigger Happy & his Administration have done not just to the people of Iraq but to his fellow Americans here is INTOLERABLE, and has NO JUSTIFICATION! I sat there and cried for an hour just thinking about the images I had seen. I grew up in a rough place, and have seen my friends and neighbors shot in front of me due to gang activity, so I consider myself a pretty tough person, but seeing those images last night of families living in trailers, and in HORRIBLE living conditions crying because they are STILL LIVING KATRINA tore my heart apart! It is amazing how "WE" don't have money to feed the poor or "time" to heal OUR NATION yet we have plenty of time and money to fund UNJUSTIFIED wars and plenty of time and consideration for the "healing" of the people in Iraq! Now the excuse we will get is that Saddam held "MASS MURDERS" and commited "GENOCIDE" well excuse me, but if I'm not mistaken THIS WAR MONGER did the same, only he used Mother Nature & LIES to hide his crimes!!! The only difference between the two DICTATORS is that at least Saddam was blunt about what he did, this BASTARD just makes up lies to "justify" the crimes he commits!!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Progress........... BULLSHIT!!!!

Places that were dear to residents and that survived years of wars and sanctions under Saddam have been wiped away in recent months in a campaign one local newspaper said recently was stripping the city of its soul.
Last week, a bomb wrecked a bridge over the Tigris, which was also once a popular swimming spot for Baghdad's children.
Saad Abdul-Kareem al-Samarraie, a retired military officer, had been going to the book market at Mutanabi Street in old Baghdad every Friday for more than 50 years before a car bomb pulverised its narrow alleys and old cafes earlier this year.
Samarraie said the bombing of Mutanabi, once the centre of Baghdad's rich intellectual life, was a big personal blow.
"I had gone to Mutanabi to buy books since I was a high- school student," said Samarraie, 70, standing in front of rows of floor-to-ceiling shelves holding more than 3,000 books in his home.
"With the bombing of Mutanabi a vital part of Iraq's history disappeared in seconds," he said.
Najeeb, who would only give his first name, said his favorite corner in Baghdad was the animal market in central Shorja market, which has been bombed several times.
The market featured an array of strange creatures, including monkeys and parrots smuggled from tropical countries by sailors and eagles and snakes brought from the desert by the Bedouins.
"I'm the youngest of seven brothers and they wouldn't let me go alone because there were large crowds and they were afraid I would get lost," said Najeeb, 35.
He works as a translator for the U.S. military and has to cover his face with a ski-mask when he goes on patrol past what is left of the market for fear of retaliation.
"My favorite stall was the one run by the Bedouins. There was a medicine man would come and buy the scorpions from them and use the venom for his potions," he said.
One employee working for Reuters remembers most the swimming pool in Zawra Park, where he and his two brothers learned how to swim.
His father would take children from the neighborhood in the family car and go to Zawra, where they would play until dark.
"My father taught me how to swim at Zawra. I must have been 9-years old. I don't go to Zawra anymore. I don't find rest there," said the employee, declining to give his name.
"That Baghdad has disappeared. I once had a photograph of those days at the pool but I lost it."

If that is "Progress" I would hate to see what Peace looks like to Shrub & Co.!
Now check this BULLSHIT OUT............

Dear Miss Gutierrez:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the situation in Iraq. I welcome your thoughts and comments on this issue.I am grateful for the service and sacrifice being made by our soldiers and their families. Even though Saddam Hussein has been brought to justice and his criminal regime removed from power, Iraq is still a struggling democracy in need of economic, political, and military support.Our Armed Forces continue to work alongside Iraqi forces to overcome sectarian violence and defeat the brutal insurgency targeting innocent Iraqis. I recognize that success requires course corrections over time. However, I believe setting an arbitrary timeline for withdrawal of our forces would embolden the enemy and jeopardize all the progress made in Iraq. It is critical that we do not allow Iraq to become the new safe haven for terrorists who seek to harm America. A stabilized Iraq will contribute greatly to regional security and, most importantly, will make America safer as well. Success in Iraq requires difficult work but will be a major victory in the War on Terrorism. Millions of Iraqi citizens have participated in their nation's first democratically elected constitutional government. They deserved the opportunity to determine their own destiny, and America has provided it for them. Now it is up to the Iraqis to navigate through their differences in order to usher in a bright future for their country, and America must be there to assist them in this process. This is a critical time, and we must remain strong as a nation, have patience and faith as a people, and believe in the work and progress our military members have accomplished. You may be certain I will continue to monitor this situation closely and keep your views in mind.I appreciate hearing from you and hope you will not hesitate to keep in touch on any issue of concern to you.
Kay Bailey Hutchison

I received this after signing a petition to end the war! These STUPID FUCKERS have their heads sooo far up their ass they have no clue as to what is actually going on in Iraq! Now more than ever we need to make our voices heard before these "DICTATORS" totally destroy not just Iraq but America as well. ITMFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tolerance not Ignorance

I have been watching as I'm sure everyone has the news about the Va. shootings, and I must say as much as I hate to that, Society has some responsibility for what happened in Virginia. Everytime something like this happens the media, makes such a fuss over the killers and what they were thinking, what did they do in their free time, what does their family do, that to a certain point they glamorize these sick individuals. It is always good to find out what makes a person react the way they do so we know how to avoid these types of endings or situations in the future, but when we repeatedly see a pattern and continue to ignore it something is wrong with us too! In almost every school shooting there was one HUGE common thread, that thread was that the person or persons in most of these situations were picked on and bullied for being different. When are we as a society finally going to understand that "JUST BECAUSE YOU MAY HAVE MORE THAN SOMEONE, DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE BETTER THAN THEM?" This kind of ignorance is what has caused many of the tragedy's that are now being discussed in the news. Columbine, the Red lake High School shooting, this massacre now in Va. in each case the gunman is described as having been "bullied or picked on" and in each case the people around them described them as being "troubled". Yet instead of more people pushing to get them some help they continued to "bully them and pick on them" or flat out ignore them. In order to correct a problem, and prevent it from worsening you have to deal with it. Part of that "dealing with it" is in the way we educate our children and each other! IN NO WAY AM I MAKING AN EXCUSE FOR WHAT HAPPENED IN VA. OR IN ANY OF THOSE OTHER CASES, I AM SIMPLY SAYING TOLERANCE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT FROM YOU NOT IGNORANCE IS THE ANSWER! I cannot stress ACCEPTANCE enough. When we learn to accept people who are different from us and understand that it is wrong to go around thinking we "are more because we have more" I think then and only then will see a difference not only in the crime rate in this country but also in the racial relations in this country. Knowledge is POWER and IGNORANCE only leads to trouble!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Hatred in America

I took a few days off after my twister adventure, (check out Progressive Thinking Chicano's blog for more info.) but am back now and readier than ever!
Yesterday I saw a movie that broke my heart and made me cry more than words can say. I saw the Matthew Shepard Story. By now everyone should know who he was, but for those of you who don't I will enlighten you. Matthew Shepard was a young college student who was brutally murdered for nothing other than being gay. As someone with MANY gay friends and a gay Uncle, I found this movie extremely upsetting! I believe in equal rights for all, and that you should be able to love freely without having to worry if your way of life is going to "offend" somebody. I don't believe in "don't ask/don't tell", if your happy shout it to the world! Nobody has the right to tell somebody else how to live their life. How many abortion clinics are blown up, or how many Dr.'s who perform these procedures are MURDERED every year, along with countless numbers of other people either because of their sexual or religious preferences? All this, these COWARDS will claim are done "in the name of God"? Well to quote my Mother, "God hates murderers too!!!" I am urging all my fellow friends to get on Matthew Shepards web site if you can and sign the "erase hate petition". We have to do something now to stop the HATRED & LACK of TOLERANCE in this country, or else we will end up with more situations like this one. The tragedy we saw today at Virginia Tech is also a reminder of what happens when we display acts of IGNORANCE, Shrub&Co. can come out and say all they want that they do not condone this type of behavior, but the reality is THEY TEACH AND LIVE THIS BEHAVIOR!!! They have taken it upon themselves to show the world that when "we" as a country do not agree with something the answer is to go and show displays of VIOLENCE rather than try diplomacy. They talk about terrorist overseas, what about the terrorist they're raising here? Nobody talks about that. What about the Timothy McVeighs, Terry Nichols, and John Walkers of America??? This is not a random or isolated incident, this is the future of America! Columbine happened almost 8 years ago, but EVERYDAY in America there are school shootings and acts of violence, that they do not get publicity as often as they should, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This is a problem that NEEDS to be addressed! How can "we" as country tell others not to "harbor terrorist or radical groups" when we can't control the one's we have here in our own back yard? Today is ANOTHER truly sad day in America. My heart goes out to EVERYONE who has lost a loved one due to IGNORANCE!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Which Enemy?

Today we find out that once again a Bomb sent 10 people plunging to their deaths on a bridge in Iraq that links East and West Baghdad. Seven hours later we hear ANOTHER suicide bomber has killed 8 people inside Iraq's Parliament. When is this Madness we know as Shub & Co. going to open their eye's and see THERE IS NO "PROGRESS" IN IRAQ!!! I know I speak for many when I say I am sick and tired of seeing this shit. It makes me sick to my stomach every time I think not only about the INNOCENT people and children that are dying in this war Shrub likes to call his "War on Terror" but also everytime I think of the countles number of US Soldiers who have died over Shrubs LIES or the brave military men and women who come back with seriouse injuries only to be treated in half ass places like Walter Reed! The time has come for us to come together and DEMAND JUSTICE not only for ourselves but for the countless number of people who have died as a result of Shrub & Co.'s lies! We cannot continue to stand by and watch, as our loved one's or our fellow Americans loved one's sit there in Iraq like targets waiting to be killed at any time. This President has made the people of this country look like criminals when we are not, and he needs to be IMPEACHED and brought to justice. Not only for the crimes he is committing by his continued insistance on fighting this war but because of the crimes he is STILL committing by not giving the troops adequate health care upon their return home. There is no reason why they should have to be treated in moldy, rat infested quarters like Walter Reed. I ask myself this, how many more Walter Reeds are out there?? How many more Katrina's have to happen?? We must do something NOW!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ready to Grill?

With Summer coming and the weather looking better I think I'm ready to start up the grill. So how about we start by grilling Shrub's faithful little ass kisser Alberto Gonzales! It seems all of a sudden the Cowardly Lion wants to keep a low profile. Why? The fun and games are just about to begin, especially with the House & Senate Committees interviewing Kyle Sampson AGAIN. Guess what? It won't be too long before Monica Goodling gets her little Happy Ass Subpoena too! Then the party will REALLY be started and maybe just maybe, we can grill them ALL TOGETHER, and after we're done feed them to the dogs! Nah, on second thought the dogs didn't do anything to deserve that and I sure as hell don't want to get charged with ANIMAL CRUELTY!!!! Speaking of cruelty, Shrub has decided that he is HORRIFIED that Senate voted in support of stem cell research. Shrub say's it "raises seriouse MORAL concern for millions of Americans" Oh and I guess the GENOCIDE of our troops and the people in Iraq isn't a "MORAL CONCERN?" This selfrighteous BASTARD doesn't have an ounce of morality in him, a damn DOG has MORE MORALS than he does and at least THEY'RE LOYAL! ITMFA!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Answer is......VETO DAMMIT!!

President Bush will AGAIN veto a bill to subsidize stem cell research using human embryos, but would sign an alternative that permits public funding for studies on embryos incapable of developing into fetuses, the White House said Tuesday.
The bill Bush opposes, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., would lift the president's 2001 ban on federal funding for any new embryonic stem cell studies.
Bush contends the measure crosses an ethical line because human embryos are destroyed in the process of extracting the stem cells, material that can morph into any tissue in the body and theoretically replace or heal damaged organs.

"The administration believes that research on alternative sources of stem cells is extremely promising and provides robust opportunities to advance science without compelling American taxpayers to participate in ongoing destruction of human embryos," the White House said in a statement.

If the measure passes both houses and reaches Bush's desk, "he would veto the bill," the statement said.

On the other hand, an alternative sponsored by Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., would encourage research that does not harm budding human life, the administration said. That measure would direct taxpayer money to stem cell research on fertilized embryos that have passed the window of time in which they are capable of developing into a human being.

AND AGAIN....................

President Bush on Tuesday invited Democrats to discuss their standoff over a war-spending bill, but he made clear he would not change his position opposing troop withdrawals. The White House bluntly said the meeting would not be a negotiation.

In essence, Bush invited the Democratic leaders of Congress to come hear the stance he has offered for weeks.

This latest crock of HORSE SHIT pisses me off sooo much I can't even think straight! Notice the key words here will VETO AGAIN. He's against Stem cell research because he doesn't believe in "participating in the ongoing destruction of human embryos" BUT he's ok with the "ongoing destruction of our troops as well as the destruction of the Iraqi people!" This Bastard is such a HYPOCRITICAL Liar it actually amazes me sometimes. The Audacity this Asshole has making these comments when HE is the one who refuses to QUIT TAKING LIVES is absolutely DISGUSTING! Then he wants to try to "play nice" and ACT like he's willing to discuss the Iraq funding Bill with Democratic leaders of Congress when he's not. It's obvious this is just ANOTHER PLOY to try to get the American People to think he's being diplomatic when in reality he's being the SAME STUBBORN & ARROGANT FOOL he has ALWAYS been. The good news is 70% of Americans see this BITCH for what he is and will not buy into his latest BULLSHIT for the other 30% of Americans who still stand by him, All I can say to you is IF YOU LOVE THIS BITCH SO MUCH THEN YOU GO GIVE YOUR LIVES FOR HIM IN IRAQ AND TAKE HIM WITH YOU, AMERICA DOESN'T NEED YOU OR YOUR BULLSHIT!!!!!

Monday, April 9, 2007

60 Minutes of BullShit

On stage, he's a Republican who doesn't always keep company with his party. He says he's against abortion, but for stem cell research. He warns that global warming is a threat and that the country needs more nuclear power. And above all is the McCain mantra that the Republican party has been spending the country into ruin.
"We let spending get out of control to a degree where it led to corruption," he says. How did it happen? "We lost our way. We began to value power over principle," McCain says.
"It's not the party that you hoped it would be?" Pelley asks,
"Absolutely," McCain says. "Nor is it the party that Ronald Reagan hoped we would be."
On the road to the primaries, 60 Minutes found one issue he doesn’t like much, but one that shadows his campaign. "CBS News did a poll in March, and asked people, 'How old do you think the President of the United States should be?' More than half said in his 50s. Would you hazard a guess how many thought the president should be in his 70s?" Pelley asks.
"I don't like this line of questioning at all. I find it offensive. I'm sure that it was a small, it was a small number. But, let me respond to that right away," McCain replies.
Excerpt provided by 60 Minutes of BullShit Interview.

I don't even know where to start with this one! Let's start with calling him Flip Flop. (Isn't that what his party called John Kerry?) Anyway so Flip Flop Mc Fucker is against abortion but all for stem cell research, acknowledges his party is spending the country into ruin, but still wants to continue with this bullshit war and send more troops to Iraq, hmmm sounds like McFuck doesn't know what he wants! Now is this really the kind of fool we want as next President? We already have one fool in there who doesn't know what he wants, oops yes he does he wants MORE TROOPS SLAUGHTERED, AND WANTS MORE MONEY FOR HIS EGO!!! So Flip Flop is OFFENDED? Oh well his party and his President offend THE AMERICAN PEOPLE EVERYDAY and he doesn't seem to care about that, so fuck him too! Ooops, Sorry I MISSPOKE I meant to say forget.......... forget him too!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Taking a stand

Well people it's the weekend and I'm glad for that. I am also glad about a couple of other things too! For starters it's nice to see Gonzo, and his fellow fools coming undone. With Monica Goodling resigning she is now the 3rd person to abruptly quit amid the controversy surrounding the firings of Federal Prosecutors. My question is where is everybody going? The fun and games are just about to begin! Enough about that though, I am also thrilled and want to give KUDOS to 2 students at Columbia University for not backing down in the face of injustice. Monique Dols and Karina Garcia disrupted an assembly at the school back in Oct. 2006 where Jim Gilchrist founder of the "Minute Men" was going to speak. They protested sooo loudly he was "forced" to get off the stage! He was seen on the Fox Noise Channel last night apparently crying about how he felt his life was in danger that night. His life was in "danger" BITCH PLEASE! What he got was a taste of his OWN medicine and he didn't like it! Too bad ASSHOLE, now you know what hundreds of immigrants feel EVERY TIME they try to cross the border and your goons come after them! I'm not saying they shouldn't come here legally, but they damn sure shouldn't be run down and hunted they way these COWARDS do it. So he felt his life was in danger, GOOD you reap what you sow DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!

Friday, April 6, 2007


It appears that even after having been proven to be LIARS, Shrub&Co are going to continue to lie and try to make the American Public think there was a connection between Saddam Hussein & Osama Bin-Laden EVEN THOUGH:

"The Sept. 11 Commission's 2004 report found no evidence of a collaborative relationship between Saddam and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network during that period."

But of course it doesn't matter because this "war" that I prefer to call a crock of shit, WAS NOT started to "protect" the American People it was started because Trigger Happy Shrub was OIL HUNGRY!!! That's the TRUTH. Now Shrub & Co. will never admit to that, but unlike their version of reality THIS is the truth as proven by the Sept.11 Commission's 2004 report. So basically what we "do have" are a BUNCH of LYING PRICKS that are too damn stupid to know the truth even if it SLAPPED them across the front & backside of their ugly, lying, little heads. You know what they remind me of? Jack Nicholson & Tom Cruise in the movie A Few Good Men only in this case the Dem's are the one's yelling "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH"!!! And that my friends IS the truth!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Ignorance is Bliss-I GUESS

Due to overwhelming demand I am here and ready to fight!!! Just kidding! Seriously though, I am here and ready for anybody that's up for some good conversation on Politics and life in general as well as the occasional good debate, which for people that know me they know that is VERY likely to happen! So here goes let the games begin.
Let's start with one of the MANY stupid things to come out of Repugnants mouths these day's. Today we get news that Roger Aisles compares Barack Obama to Osama Bin-Laden, then we get news that Fattie Hattie A*K*A Newt Gingrich is offering an I'm kinda' sorry but really NOT sorry to Latinos for his remarks about the Spanish language and comparing it to the "ghetto", Last but definately not least we have Shrub pulling ANOTHER fast one. This time he decided that since he "Can't get no satisfaction" with his funding he would go ahead and put Sam Fox in as Ambassador even though HE HIMSELF withdrew Fox's nomination just last week after realizing he didn't have enough votes to obtain Senate confirmation in the Foreign Relations Committe! This is just one of the many displays of IGNORANCE and Arrogance, that Repugnants have shown in the last few day's. Now in the words of MANY smart people I know, ITMFA!!!!!!!!