Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm Baaaack!!!!

First off let me apologize for staying away soooo long but I started a new job and am working really long hours. Having said that, let me go ahead and do what I do best BITCH! This latest bullshit has me so mad I can't even think straight. WTF............

"President Bush ordered his former White House counsel, Harriet Miers, to defy a congressional subpoena and refuse to testify Thursday before a House panel investigating U.S. attorney firings."

Ok, so as usual Shrub is DEFYING the American people by continuing to stay in this LIE of an ILLEGAL war saying that he will not reconsider a troop withdrawal, even when the BITCH knows the American people are DEMANDING one. Then we have the OLD DIRTY BASTARD, come out with this BULLSHIT? WTF???? I am soooo fucking tired of the lies, hypocrisy, and bullshit it really isn't funny anymore! So basically what the prick is saying is that it's ok for him and his friends to lie, steal, cheat, corrupt, fuck up, and destroy OUR country but if you or I or anyone else, challenges "his authority" he will just do what he does best throw out an order to DEFY the very principals we hold dear, TRUTH, LIBERTY, & JUSTICE FOR ALL, why you ask, so he can continue to DICTATE and FUCK UP THIS COUNTRY AS HE PLEASES!!! This Bastard not only needs to be tried for war crimes he needs to be hit with a CRIMINAL CONTEMPT CITATION! I say ITMFN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough is ENOUGH!


Leo said...

I couldn't agree more. The "shrub" as you call him and his thorny sidekick (Cheney) both belong in prison. Do not pass go, do not collect crap go directly to jail!!

Ron said...

Glad to have you back - and congrats on the new job.

I am wondering just how much of this BushCo BS we can collectively put up with. Its simply mind-boggling.

LET'S TALK said...

Welcome back FTF, it's great to see you in true form once again!

Bush haas lost his mind, now our House and Senate should have it where he lost his office as President.

pissed off patricia said...

To add a little fuel to your fire, there is a piece in today's wash post that says the head of the CIA told bush back in Nov. of last year that there was no way in hell the Iraqi govt. would ever be able to stand up and govern. Since that time way over 700 more of our soldiers have been killed over there.

When you have someone like bush who will listen to no one who does not agree with him, you have a fucking crazy person and not the sort of person to run a hot dog stand, let alone a country.

LET'S TALK said...

I know you are just getting back and don't really have time to post a lot but I would love to read your opinions on the Surgeon General's remarks about Bush.