Friday, September 14, 2007

Dumb and Dumber!!!!!!

Ok so just when I thought Dumb & Dumber couldn't be any more IGNORANT, they let us all know ONCE AGAIN just how STUPID they really are!!!!

Here is a quote from Prick Cheney:
Vice President Dick Cheney on Friday accused critics of the administration's war strategy of "ignoring the bloodshed and chaos he said would follow a premature U.S. troop withdrawal.
The troop surge has achieved solid results and in a relatively short period of time."

Ok WTF??????

Yesterday we had our Commander In BULLSHIT say:
"Now, because of the measure of success we are seeing in Iraq, we can begin seeing troops come home."

Are you FUCKING kidding me???

These Mother Fuckers are sooooo clueless it is UNREAL!!! I would just like to know what fucking success Shrub is talking about!!! The successful MURDERING of our Troops?? If that's the case then by all means there has been an ABUNDANCE of success. BASTARD and then he wants to use the MURDER of an innocent soldier as propaganda for his WAR OF CHOICE!!!! That Mother Fucker clearly has no limits!!!!! Next we have Prick saying "bloodshed and chaos will ensue if we leave" Ok BITCH in case you haven't noticed because of your dead eye, Prick we ALREADY have "bloodshed and chaos" and that's because the surge is going so well and showing so much "success" fucking MORONS!!!!!! They get on my last DAMN NERVE and anyone that knows me KNOWS that I don't have too many of those mother fuckers. I was soooo infuriated last night and this morning that I couldn't see muchless think straight! On that note I'm off to drink myself happy. Maybe then I will see the "success" they see. FUCKING MORONS!!!!!!


Paul said...

Hi Fighter! How's yer head this morning?
I don't think the bush crime family have too many buyers for that latest line of crap they put out. Their plan is to occupy the middle east until the last drop of oil is sucked dry and more and more people are wising up to it.
When will the people who really have any power over this do something to stop it? A lot of Germans in the 1930s felt powerless to stop Hitler and I think we're experiencing a similar situation.

Ziem said...

Look, they could care less about lives and bloodshed. The main goal of the anti-christ and it's mate is to put up permanent base in Iraq to terrorize and steal oil from neighboring countries. They don't care about us, the Iraqi's (who wanted us out before we got there!) or the ass-suckers who still bow at their feet.

I like Anj's idea of shoving these fuckers in gitmo... we could do the "interogating" couldn't we my lil' PIC???

Tom Harper said...

Yup, it's getting pretty tiring. We've caused probably a million deaths and injuries over there, but if we pull out there'll be a "bloodbath." LOL.

Who Hijacked Our Country

Undeniable Liberal said...

I've tried drinking and other self medications and nope....still can't see the progress.

pissed off patricia said...

Yeah, it's been a hell of a success, hasn't it? If you don't count the dead people, the injured people, the country blown all to hell.....well, I guess you can call it a success if success means spending more money than we could ever afford and then handing this shit over to the next guy to deal with.

sumo said...

What POP said...I couldn't say it any better. Though serious...I did get a chuckle from your post...with all the words said that completely apply. I need to feel more free about throwing those epithets out there...but I am content to read how you do it. It was funny! Though an aggravation for you...

LET'S TALK said...

Hi Funky Town Fighter, well I'm back from where I've been and find it satisfying to see that you have posted. Sorry I'm a little late but as usual I really enjoyed your post and as all the others who have read Bush and his bull, agree as well.

I'll be checking back later as I have a lot of Blogs to visit.

Jolly Roger said...

They've been quite successful at siphoning off that oil (the meters are "broken" down around Basra) and fleecing the American taxpayer.

Hell, nobody's ever done a better job of stealing.

LET'S TALK said...

Hi FTF, I'm going off topic, so please don't hold it against me. I've changed my template at Let's Talk and would like your input about how it looks on your browser. I use IE7 and everything looks OK. but to be on the safe side, I'm asking others with different browsers to have a look see, when you have the time. Thanks!

LET'S TALK said...

FTF, in answer to your question, I will be doing a post on Jena 6 later today. I haven't forgot your question, I just haven't had the time to respond properly.

LET'S TALK said...

FTF, Ive completed my post on Jena 6 and I would love to have your opinion on it.

Progressive Texas Chicano said...

damn girl ur blog is SCHMOKIN with comments! u need to get back to ur postings!

Undeniable Liberal said...

What Ziem said. I need to read one of those rants. Break time is over, c'mon now!!

Snave said...

Helllllo, Baby!!!!

Whare are ya?

You must have some more beautifully acid-tongued rants for Dumb and Dickya by now. Er, Dick and Dumbya. Whoever or whatever they are... heh...

LET'S TALK said...

Happy Thanks giving to you and your family and remember to be safe!

Adrian said...

hey, that was a great post! where did ya go? hit us with some more! :)