Monday, July 30, 2007

Must be NICE!!!!

You know the audacity of our leaders and the Iraqi leaders NEVER fails to surprise me. Today Iraq's parliament decided that they would go ahead and adjourn for a month since they do not have ANY benchmark legislation to vote on. Apparently Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri-I Don't Give A FUCK hasn't given them drafts of the legislation they are supposed to be voting on. So basically what we have is the Iraqi Government going on VACATION meantime our Troops are FIGHTING & DYING for THEIR fucking FREEDOM!!! All this & yet and still Shrub and the rest of the Repugs want to send MORE Troops over and possibly have them STAY there until 2009. Now let me see how can I say this in a way everyone will understand? I DON'T EVEN REMOTELY FUCKING THINK SO!!!!!!!! If those Mother Fuckers have the time to take a damn vacation than they have the fucking time to get their heads out of their ASS and pull together to think of a way they can meet their benchmarks NOW! Otherwise they need to all go ahead and fight their damn war ALONE. This is once again just ANOTHER example of Shrub & Co. INCOMPETENCY!!!! These Bastards are on FUCKING VACATION and the White House has no comment yet, they are "concerned" because Michael Moore went with 9/11 rescue workers to Cuba to get healthcare? WTF??? What kind of fucked up, twisted, BULL SHIT is that? They are soooo concerned about Michael Moore that they had to issue a SUBPOENA, yet our Troops are over there in Iraq DYING while they take their LAZY ASSES on VACATION and that apparently doesn't bother the little DICTATING, TRIGGER HAPPY, MOTHER FUCKER!!!! I'm sooo mad right now if I had a damn gun I would shoot the SELF IMPOSED DICTATING MOTHER FUCKER MYSELF! He needs to get a reality check and focus on bringing our Troops home instead of trying to be the BULLYING Bastard that he IS!!!


LET'S TALK said...

Well said funkytownfighter, It seems that they already want us out of Iraq, so the Benchmark is not much of a concern to them as long as we leave, and soon.

This President knows that when the next report comes in this September about our surge this President will over look anything bad and continue with this war unless Congress cut the funds for said civil war.

pissed off patricia said...

Bingo, on all points. I bet the Iraqi people are sorry they invited us to stage our war in their country so we didn't have to get ours all messy. Oh wait, they didn't invite us, we just barged in.

Snave said...

I love your energy, FF!

Could any "vacation" ever have been less well-timed? Oh, well, maybe a few of Bush's own vacations to Crawford might come to mind, but this one the Iraqi parliament is taking... Hey, why don't our troops just take a month off too. If we're supposed to be in this together with the Iraqi government, and they're taking 30 days off, then we ought to be able to just kick back and relax for 30 days or so too. Or maybe when they come back to work, maybe then our troops can go on vacation.

The idiots are supposed to working WITH us, not sitting around letting us do the dirty work. Not holding them accountable just enables them. If they know they can avoid making hard decisions or avoid doing anything much at all and that we aren't going to leave no matter what, then what on earth incentive do they have to do anything for themselves? They have none. Maybe that's why they have the balls to take a vacation when there is so much work to be done... because they know we will continue to do it for them.

The whole thing reeks. I'm going to have to read more about the occupation... from what I'm beginning to find out, our government didn't install any kind of generic democracy, but rather a kind of neoconservative model democracy which features a "flat tax" and other pet conservative ideas.

So when Bush talks about "democracy" he's talking about something that isn't quite like what we have here at home... it's a NEOCON vision of democracy. The democracies he wants to install in other countries are near-fascist, reflecting the way our own system is heading. He wants the strongest of marriages between corporations and government, he wants rich elites to form, and he wants to install systems in which haldfuls of people can become filthy rich and balance their new country's budgets on the backs of the workers.

Ahhhhhh, scheise...

Tom Harper said...

The new Iraqi "leader" sure has picked up on one of Bush's main talents: taking looong vacations no matter what terrible things are happening. Fiddling while Rome burns. Dumbya must be proud of his new prodigy.

Who Hijacked Our Country

sumo said...

Woah...good read...but I bet you are on a list somewhere for threats to the prez's careful Funky! They do not take this stuff lightly...I know someone that got jacked by the Feds for it. We should be able to say anything we want...but it doesn't work that way anymore. They will burst into your house and take whatever they see fit. They've put capital C in confiscate. But I hear you...know very well what you are feeling.