Monday, July 30, 2007
Must be NICE!!!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
"The medical evidence did not match up with the, with the scenario as described," a doctor who examined Tillman's body after he was killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan in 2004 told investigators.
The medical examiners' suspicions were outlined in 2,300 pages of testimony released to the AP this week by the Defense Department in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.
Among other information contained in the documents:
• Army attorneys sent each other congratulatory e-mails for keeping criminal investigators at bay as the Army conducted an internal friendly-fire investigation that resulted in administrative, or non-criminal, punishments.
• The three-star general who kept the truth about Tillman's death from his family and the public told investigators some 70 times that he had a bad memory and couldn't recall details of his actions.
• No evidence at all of enemy fire was found at the scene — no one was hit by enemy fire, nor was any government equipment struck.
Congratulatory e-mails? WTF??? The Pentagon & Shrubs Administration have NO RESPECT WHATSOEVER!!! To LIE to this man's family and then laugh and congratulate yourselves afterwards is absofuckinglutely disgusting! Funny how they are quick to jump on TV though and act concerned and sorry for what has happened. Bunch of lying Mother Fuckers that they are!!! The AUDACITY and the HYPOCRICY this administration has shown just infuriates me to no end. I don't think there is enough punishment in the world for these LOW LIFE BASTARDS!!! If this is how they "support the Troops" and their families than I would hate to see what they would do to them if they didn't! I'm sorry fighters but I am soooo mad I can't even think straight! I will say one last thing though, Pat Tillman's mother said it best when she said this:
"Nothing is going to bring Pat back. It's about justice for Pat and justice for other soldiers. The nation has been deceived," she said.
Monday, July 23, 2007
"Frustrated by delays in health care, a coalition of injured Iraq war veterans is accusing VA Secretary Jim Nicholson of breaking the law by denying them disability pay and mental health treatment.
The class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, filed Monday in federal court in San Francisco, seeks broad change in the agency as it struggles to meet growing demands from veterans returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Suing on behalf of hundreds of thousands of veterans, it charges that the VA has failed warriors on several fronts — from providing prompt disability benefits, to adding staff to reduce wait times for medical care to boosting services for post-traumatic stress disorder.
The lawsuit also accuses the VA of deliberately cheating some veterans by allegedly working with the Pentagon to misclassify PTSD claims as pre-existing personality disorders to avoid paying out benefits. The VA and Pentagon have generally denied such charges.
The lawsuit comes amid intense political and public scrutiny of the VA and Pentagon following reports of shoddy outpatient care of injured soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and elsewhere.
Nicholson abruptly announced last week he would step down by Oct. 1 to return to the private sector. He has repeatedly defended the agency during his 2 1/2-year tenure while acknowledging there was room for improvement.
More recently, following high-profile suicide incidents in which families of veterans say the VA did not provide adequate care, Nicholson pledged to add mental health services and hire more suicide-prevention coordinators.
While steps can and will be taken in the political arena, responsibility for action lies with the agency itself," said Melissa W. Kasnitz, managing attorney for Disability Rights Advocates, in a telephone interview. Her group is teaming up with a major law firm, Morrison & Foerster, to represent the veterans.
"We don't believe the problems will be fixed by the VA if we wait for them," she said. "In the meantime, it is veterans who risk their lives for our country who are suffering the consequences.
EXACTLY!!! I am glad that FINALLY maybe some justice will be done. Suing the VA may not bring back dead soldiers, BUT it shows these BASTARDS that our HEROES & their families will no longer idly sit by while these fucking Bastards CONTINUE to give themselve's raises all the while DENYING our Troops the healthcare they need!!!! Nicholson, Shrub, Cheney, and the rest of the SELFISH Repugs who claim to "Support the Troops" should all go FUCK themselve's and shut the hell up, actions speak louder than words and theirs are more than clear!!!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Lying Sack of SHIT!!!!
"It is time to rise above partisanship, stand behind our troops in the field, and give them everything they need to succeed," Bush said in the Rose Garden after meeting with veterans and military families.
Mother Fucker give me a break!!! Let's not forget WHO sent them into this LIE unprepared, and with NO PLAN to GET IN OR OUR OF IRAQ!!!!!!!!!! It's easy to look the other way and place blame on someone else but when HISTORY & REALITY both say the same thing you're pretty much fucked!!!! Shrub can scream all he wants about how awful the Dems are and how they are not "supporting our Troops" but you know what? GUESS WHAT??? Fuck YOU Shrub progressives are the ONLY ones supporting the Troops right now. Do I need to remind everyone how just 2 days ago Senate Repugs THWARTED a Democratic proposal to start pulling out US Troops from Iraq, or how they let our wounded Troops come back to hospitals like Walter Reed, or how they STILL have not done anything about the VA backlog? Our Troops are coming home with Post Traumatic Stress, amputations, and all kinds of other injuries and has THIS BASTARD or ANY of his HOODLUM REPUGS done ANYTHING to remedy the situation HELL NO!!! WHY?? Simple they are "too busy" creating other problems for the country like DENYING adequate healthcare to our children! Shit you mean it isn't bad enough they are denying our Troops now they want to DENY their children, and our children as well? BULLSHIT!!! Now for those of you that think you will never need CHIPS or any healthcare of that nature guess what?? The way this BASTARD is running our country into the ground & into debt, you never know when you just might need it. Either way check out what the BASTARD said about one of the most important health legislation that Congress will take up this year:
President Bush on Wednesday reiterated his threat to veto Senate legislation that would substantially increase funds for children's health insurance by levying a 61-cent-a-pack increase in the federal excise tax on cigarettes. The tax increase would be used to subsidize health insurance for children and some adults with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid but not high enough to afford insurance on their own.
"If Congress continues to insist upon expanding health care through the SCHIP program — which, by the way, would entail a huge tax increase for the American people — I'll veto the bill," he said.
The American Hospital Association, the American Medical Association and the American Cancer Society support the increase.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
STUPIDITY has no limits!!!!!
"Our defeat there would be catastrophic, not just for Iraq, but for us," the Arizona senator said Wednesday. "As long as we have a chance to succeed we must try to succeed."
Now seriously WHO told this old bastard that we had a chance to succeed? Oh that's right I forgot Fuhrer Bush did. If we have not succeeded in Iraq after 5 years and well over 3,620 deaths GUESS WHAT? We're NOT going to succeed over there!!!! We cannot and will not ever win a CIVIL WAR, nor should we be expected to. I am all about freedom but when the people in question REFUSE to help THEMSELVES than it is unfair to place the responsibility on OUR men & women in uniform!!! When Fuhrers Daddy, Hitler was killing off the jews people wanted to help WHY because they knew they were desperate for it. The difference in Iraq is that while this civil war is going on their leaders are out on VACATION or fabricating excuses as to why they cannot meet benchmarks. They don't meet benchmarks because they simply do not want to and why should they when we are the ones paying for everything including their reconstruction! I say instead of wasting more time and money on that lie, we spend our time money and efforts on rebuilding Louisiana, healing OUR wounded troops coming home, and getting the people in this country the kind of healthcare they deserve! If Sen. Mc Fake has THAT much confidence in Fuhrer and the rest of the war mongers than he needs to round all of them up and take them with him STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!!! Which is EXACTLY where they belong!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Selective releasing????
Tony Snow pushed back at the critics Tuesday, saying they are "engaged in a little selective hearing themselves to shape the story in their own political ways."
What a crock of SHIT!!!! These Story telling mother fuckers need to invent a new story to tell themselves because that one is old & ugly like Shrub! LOL.........
You know it's sad that when these type of reports come out no one can take them seriously because of the repeated lies and abuse of power we have seen with this administration. It's like the little boy who cried wolf, when the big bad wolf actually came NO ONE believed him! Just as no one believed the boy the American people no longer believe in their "leader" and how can we or better yet WHY should we when everytime we turn around we are hearing more and more about new lies and hypocrisy coming out of this administration. All one has to do is look at what the former Surgeon Gen. said about shrub to know that the ONLY information the American people are going to get out of this Administration is what Shrub wants us to know. Anything else will be kept "confidential". Whatever, War Mongering Bastards!!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bullshit x Insanity!!!!
1.) Harriet Miers defies the House and skips the hearings on the firings ( guess she took the same BULLSHIT oath of LOYALTY to the President that Sara Taylor did)
2.) We have Iraq saying benchmarks hurt them and set them up for failure (excuse me they fail themselve's by not wanting to progress)
3.) We have former Surgeon General Richard Carmona state he was ordered to mention President Bush 3 times in his speeches and not allowed to speak or issue reports about stem cell research, emergency contraception, sex education, basically anything that goes against the Presidents "morals"! ( as if the bastard has any morals)
ALL of the above mentioned make me sick to my stomach and piss me off to no end, but the last one really pisses me off! Harriet Miers is an IDIOT and we have all established that, Iraq is self explanitory they don't progress or meet benchmarks because they don't want to period! The Surgeon General is different, and even though it pisses me off times INFINITY I know exactly why these bitches do the shit they do. It's simple it isn't convenient to educate the public, WHY you ask? Simple by educating your people you are putting them in a position to make intelligent and educated decisions which if you are a DICTATOR is NOT what you want, and we all know SHRUB is a DICTATOR because the BASTARD has made it oh so obvious! It is easier to leave people sick, and uninformed so Shrub and the insurance companies can continue to make money off the already sick and uneducated. Worthless piece of shit that he is, I HOPE HE ROTTS IN HELL!